Monday 6 January 2020

One Month On The Road

Martin, Case and Keith head out.....
Well time fly’s when your riding a bike...

It’s exactly one month today from when I pedalled out of the Holiday Inn in Newport News VA to head to the start of the Trans Am at Yorktown.

It seems like a lifetime ago, so much has happened, I’ve seen so many beautiful places and met some amazing people.

We’re a third of the way across now and Kansas is looming, we are hoping for tale winds as head winds will make this leg torture. We have met a few east bounders who have suffered this and the pain showed on their faces! There are five of us cycling together now so maybe a pelaton approach may help us cut through the wind a bit better!

I’m way passed the point where I feel I could give up, only a mechanical or physical problem will stop me now, in fact I don’t think I’ve ever doubted my ability to do this, it’s possibly just the fear of the unknown that makes you doubt yourself.

Off out into a rainy days ride now (there rare!). Thanks for following my blog, I’ll keep it updated as best I can.

Best wishes to all…….