Friday 27 December 2019

Chillin in Pueblo

By the time we reached Pueblo we had more than earned a rest day and with Pueblo being one of the biggest cities we ride through on the Trans Am it was quite a shock to be in a metropolis that didn’t just have one street!

Whilst there we managed to get our bikes serviced, which in my case was long overdue, but with only a new chain being required my Thorn Nomad and internal Rohloff hub gear was proving it’s worth and attracting much attention from the bike mechanics!

Most of our rest day was spent doing laundry, drooling in the bike shop and relaxing in a cool coffee shop making good use of their WiFi.

After our fourth hour in the coffee shop, justified by drip fed purchasing of drinks and food, our Adventure Cycling Association (ACA) maps spread out on the table caught the eye of an older trendy couple sat in the booth behind us.

Mona and Bill Askwig introduced themselves and then Bill told us that he was one of the original 1976 Bikecentennial riders who first crossed America by bike on the same route we were riding. In our eyes the original 76 riders hold a God like status and to meet one in the flesh was a great honour. Great 1976 pictures here. More on the original ride here.

Bill was also telling me how he was awaiting delivery of a recumbent ICE Trike as he felt it would be good fun to ride at his age and state of health. I told him that ICE were based near me in Falmouth, Cornwall and that I had test ridden one and loved it, he was glad that his trike research had paid off and I could give him positive first hand experience of riding one.

So if you see a guy racing around Pueblo on a cool looking trike at high speed, that will be Bill. Lovely to meet you both.

After a few nights in a dodgy Motel it was time to get back on the trail and start climbing into the Rockies. Our cycling group was now back to me and Tony, Keith had gone on to ride a few days with his brother, Robin had headed on into the Rockies and Brian, who you may remember from my last blog, had carried on west hunting for women!

Onwards and most definitely upwards!